Copy and Paste this page unto a new page in WordPress called “Portfolio Burndown”.

Portfolio Website Burndown

Focus of this assignment:

  • Your Child Theme
    • (Make sure if you’ve changed themes that you create a new child theme for it!)
  • Improving your Mobile Page Speed
  • Removing unnecessary elements from your website.
    • Unused Plugins
    • Unused images
    • Unnecessary site content
  • Arrange your site as a Portfolio site
  • Finalizing a design style


For this assignment you will display a mobile optimized WP theme.

Homepage Brand:

  • Has your brand
  • Tag line or VP
  • Site description (about your brand, not you personally)
includes the description of service and tagline

Homepage Navigation:

  • Has a navigation that has the following two options for navigation.
    • Home – Work – About – Contact
    • Home – My Work – Case Studies – About – Contact
image that shows the home page navigation

Homepage Posts:

  • Displays two “categorized” graphic design project POSTS above the fold
image capturing the graphic post

Homepage Style:

  • Sets the design style and standard for the rest of the site (consistent design
displays home page style

Homepage Links:

  • Shows and links TWO social media platforms for your graphic design entity
home page post

Homepage Speed:

  • Page Speed Score of 70 or higher for mobile
  • (You will demonstrate this in class during critique week 8)
shows the page speed

About Page:

  • Two paragraph bio
  • Image that is consistent in style to the overall website design style direction.
bio page image

Contact Page:

  • Contact form
  • Image or other information that is consistent in style to the overall website design style direction.
contact page


Submit URL of your WordPress Portfolio Burndown to this assignment.