
Case Study: The Converters

Who are The Converters?

The Converters are a Rock band that appeals to the classic rock and biker types. While also having a hint of the blues in the mix. Their style of music is similar to “Guns n Roses” and the designs needed to reflect that. Here is some more info on the band!

  • Unique sound
  • averages 25-60 people per concert
  • popular with bikers and rock enthusiast
  • Deeply engrained within their culture.

The main issue of “the Converters” was the brand identity. Depicting how the band was unique and recognizable despite the small audience. Rebranding the logo was crucial in the process of the design. The problem was a foreseen issue because of the band itself due to it being an upstart band. While offering many affordances being new. That comes with many issues. The client’s expected outcomes are to dramatically increase listeners across social media and in concert. Along with growing the band as an icon. The Converters chose to engage with Graphic Squatch based off of our previous work client’s along with the varying degrees of work we are able to completely succeed in. Especially with our background in the edgier side of design. 

Paper Concepts

Each logo here was a direct concept reflecting the bands’ identity within biker culture while also representing the rock aspects as well. Conceptually they’re very different both, both fit the edgy theme

The Approach

Initially approaching the project, it was important to understand that the new branding needed to have the unique rough biker-esque feel the band wanted to project. This was challenging as trying to create branding and keeping the core ideas and concepts intact was a new challenge all together. Research began with online searching of band logos. Creating an understanding of what a logo needs to feel like, read like and represent like. This later led to the creation of each of the iterations of the logos drawing from these ideals. The client was collaborated with on the actual design, but no additional input was required. The solution was to come up with new designs with the client. implementing new logo changes along with t-shirts and similar items with the logo design. This was displayed through social media along with in concert. These were chosen as they have the maximum outreach with minimum risk factor in the long term. It took approximately a few days to plan, a few weeks to develop and then a few weeks to implement the design.

Digital Designs

Logo design one
logo design two

Hypothetically the problem of branding gets solved. In the short term the client would see an overall social media boost and merchandise sales due to how the social media algorithm works. Seeing an overall traffic increase which can lead to far more in merchandise sales. However, long term increased promotion would create a far more stable listener base across all medias allowing for further expansion and higher levels of fame.  Specific data that can be provided includes sales reports, and online traffic tracking and SoundCloud, apple music and Spotify offer detailed listening reports. Starting from when the new logo and designs are implemented and going for 6-month periods at a time. The most important data point is actually the listener tracking as it’s currently the main way in which the music can be spread.  In the end the client would agree the desired results were met

final design update

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