Cinemagraph Case Study

Who is 5 Percent Nutrition?

5 Percent Nutrition is an American supplement company based out of Orlando Florida. Known as one of the front runners and original supplement companies. Along with paving the road in animal based protein supplements, 5 percent nutrition has innovated 1000s of products and has made millions of sales.

Professionals in a pinch.

The main issue my client faced is an all too common issue in the current age of aggressive online marketing. That being social media outreach and presence. In the highly competitive market that is the supplement industry this issue is common because the niche for supplements is smaller than believed to be and this creates an overly saturated market. The clients expected outcomes were an increase in site and social media visits. Along with interactions. 5% engaged with graphic squatch based off our ability to adapt and to iterate and really work with our clients directly to meet their needs.

Overcoming The Fitness Industry

Approaching the challenge having an open mind and the ability to iterate and adapt was in the forefront of my approach. tapping into some previous experience and starting with advertisement research began my approach. However, further down in development getting out of the comfort zone was crucial in the initial design process. At this stager the client was involved. Collaboration was important during the early developmental stages as it allowed the exact concepts to be flushed out iteration after iteration. Feedback was collected throughout the iterations . The solution was to make a cinemagraph advertisement using the brand name, its biggest product and keeping things very minimal yet effective. Because the target persona are young people who are enthusiastic and are in or curious about fitness . The cinemagraph uses a simple cup and spoon with the protein in the cup. The cinemagraph was designed for Instagram primarily as it has the largest market within the target persona. Overall it took 3 weeks to plan and develop and shoot the solution and an additional two days to implement.

Looking towards the future

The solution did solve the problem because with the newfound outreach (tool) they received results like increased interest and engagement of social media accounts and posts. Generating greater outreach. This aides with future collaborations and establishes a narrative between graphic squatch and 5 percent nutrition. The largest benefit shown over time is a 350% increase in social media follows and interactions based on a 6 month scale. This is important as in this age of digital advertising being in the forefront reinvigorates the brand and makes those that follow and use the brand feel like they’re part of something bigger.

How we did it

Miro board layout

Miro as an asset was fantastic for iteration.  Important tasks like group Miro feedback and VP exercises to narrow down options for the best result.

Marketing Paper Prototype

When developing the paper prototype I prioritized using eye-catching features such as simple bright colors and high contrast. While these things are important, keeping the CG loop simple but effective was crucial. Inspiration was taken from Nesquik commercials.

Marketing Digital Prototype

Iterating off of the paper mock-up, the digital prototype was a proof of concept that displays the idea in a more tangible manner. The ability to adjust font choices at this stage is a huge bonus as it offers quality and variety.

Marketing Digital Prototype for Mobile

Turning the cinemagraph concept into a social media post revolved around formatting the CG to Instagram dimensions. Keeping all site links and content active and direct was necessary to maximize impact. I also used SEO targeting such as hashtags and keywords. It allows the spread of the high quality imagery to its target audience.

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