Case Study: tutorial II


Within the tutorial the viewer will be able to learn about how to make the iconic video game character “Kirby” in Adobe Illustrator. This tutorial was chosen as its simple and displays the ability to teach and the ability to show understanding.

B. Aman

Photoshop enthusiast

Wants to learn new things

The Challenge

The Biggest challenges along the way mainly came down to technical issues with the target audience of relatively newer users . Understanding how the different tools may work. These can be intimidating. Also learning how to make details that can be finer and the overall layout may be issues with new users of Adobe Illustrator.

Graphic Squatch was chosen as the execution of designs fits our creative processes and desire for perfection

Expected outcomes are….

  • Learned Skills
  • Further customer support
  • Maximize visibility
  • Fun

The Solution

When Formulating the solution the idea of making a simple tutorial using the least technical methods was best. BY doing this it allowed the tutorial to be short, sweet and understandable.


User interface and user experience are put to the fore front as all tools are directly shown and explained. In the video they’re highlighted and or zoomed in up onto explain exactly what’s going on making the tutorial easy to follow.

Paper prototype

Digital prototype

Finished product

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